Thursday, February 17, 2011

Road Work - Shotcrete and Soil Nail Embankment Stabilisation

Hi All,

RIX were called by our client to remediate this batter which had recently failed North of Sydney.
The slip was remediated with a Soil Nail Shotcrete Batter.
The works required removal of vegetation and loose rock(scaling). RIX drilling plant then drilled 125mm holes into the strata for 40 Soil Nails @ 5m x 20mm, 50mm diameter holes were also drilled into the rock shelf for 30 rockbolts @ 6m x 25mm diameter. 350m2 of shotcrete was also placed coloured to match the existing weathered rock.
Being a major road our Client asked the batter works be completed in 3 weeks...RIX were able to meet this deadline our Client is delighted with the works.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rail Work - K2RQ

With the majority of this section of Soil Nail Wall at K2RQ complete, we are counting down the number of Soil Nails left to drill, grout and install before shotcreting.

Please take note of our flat consistent finish with its sharp an straight edges.

Our Clients have commented that our product is equal in aesthetics to a "Form Work" finish, but with considerable programme and budget benefits....